In an operational update, the company said that its primary focus of underground development at the San Ramon mine has been secondary access ramps and the advancement of eight attack ramps with the potential for up to 32 ore headings (at metre levels 125, 150 and 175).
"During September four of these attack ramps crossed the mineralised shear zone defining economic ore headings with channel sampling averaging 7.35g/t gold over an average stope width of 3 metres," it said.
Overall, development has been moving along according to plan, with September progress totaling 592m, 1,756m for 3Q and a year-to-date total of 4,055m.
Red Eagle added that, by the time its mill starts in January, it will hopefully have stockpiled 21,000t of development ore.
The complex’s add-on paste backfill plant has had a conceptual design since last month and its flow sheet, material and water balance have been reviewed. Construction is slated to begin next month and completion is expected in January. Underground reticulation system design has also been completed, with materials expected and underground installation to commence by the end of this month.
"A detailed geotechnical review by a third party geotechnical consultant was completed during September with very favourable results that should lead to lower drilling, blasting and ground support costs and reduced dilution,” Red Eagle said of the 100%-owned Santa Rosa project.