PRESS RELEASE: Nordic Gold acquired the past-producing Laiva mine in December 2017. Since then the company has completed an updated NI-43-101 Resource calculation, a PEA, recruited a management team to operate the mine, and completed all necessary permitting and approvals to operate.
The company has also completed all the necessary plant maintenance and recommissioning.
Mining at Laiva started on August 5, and it completed its first pour on November 30, producing 1,234oz of doré.
Nordic Gold president and CEO Michael Hepworth said: "The first pour is a critical but vital step in returning Laiva to commercial production. The last 18 months has been focused on using past production data and learning from this information. Many fixes have been implemented, and as we move towards commercial production, further improvements will be implemented to ensure appropriate economics and efficiencies.
"The team at the mine has done an outstanding job of getting back to production in an incredibly short timeframe. From care and maintenance to production in around 11 months is something everyone can be very proud of."