5 reasons to embrace implicit modelling

MICROMINE explores top reasons implicit modelling is preferred 3D modelling method for geologists

5 reasons to embrace implicit modelling

It's reliable, objective, comprehensive and efficient - and that's why implicit modelling is the preferred geological 3D data modelling method for resource geologists.

Like the transition from analogue to digital, implicit modelling is gradually replacing labour-intensive and time-consuming geological wireframing with a faster, more streamlined digital solution. The use of implicit modelling tools has increased significantly over the past decade.

Micromine Product Strategy Manager Mark Gabbitus explained implicit modelling used data inputs and complex algorithms to produce 3D geological models, which could be readily analysed and iterated to finalise geological or grade interpretations.

"Geologists can fast track their understanding of any structural or grade boundaries through implicit modelling," Mr Gabbitus said.

"Using 3D points, polylines, polygons or drillhole intervals as input, implicit modelling generates wireframe solids representing features like lithology units or zones of a specified grade range.

"This method is not only efficient, it eliminates the personal perceptions and interpretations of geologists because it is a numerical process that is free of bias, which means less subjectivity and greater reliability."

Micromine 3D modelling and mine design solution includes industry leading implicit modelling tools. It has been built, tested and refined by MICROMINE's geology team over many years on real world projects. Some of the key features and benefits include:


Micromine Implicit Model - Grade

Benefit 1: Reliable

Micromine implicit modelling is one of the few applications that use industry-standard radial basis functions (RBFs) to model grade shells, lithology boundaries, faults or surfaces.

RBFs are one of the most accurate and stable methods of solving scattered data interpolation problems. They create smooth and less oscillating interpolation than inverse distance weighting (IDW) or kriging, which means more reliable results.

Users can model multi-domain geological settings with no overlap, producing consistent results and eliminating the need for manual adjustments.

Benefit 2: Fast 

A true implicit model, like Micromine's solution, can be queried an infinite number of ways without having to re-calculate an equation. Applications that don't support a true implicit modelling framework must re-calculate the solution each time, which means they are slower and less effective.

Micromine delivers a true implicit model with optimised processing speeds.  That means, geologists can get results without spending hours or even days on a traditional interpretation and wireframing workflow.

Benefit 3: Comprehensive

Micromine's implicit modelling module is rich in features, which allows:

  • Grade shell modelling - creating one or many shells based on cut-off values from drillhole data.
  • Lithology modelling - using interactive tools to create groups of lithology codes, and incorporate points and polylines into the lithological modelling process.
  • Fault surface modelling - from any combination of 3D points and strings.
  • Surface modelling - from 3D points such as airborne LiDAR.
  • Attribute modelling - from any 3D point cloud that contains positive and negative values, with output points created from another implicit model or any 3D points.
  • Sparse surface points interpolation - which may be output as points, a grid surface, or as a wireframe.
  • Polygon modelling - from polygonal profiles, such as underground mine workings or orebody interpretations.

The ease with which geologists can create, and recreate, models allows users to easily interrogate the models and rapidly assess new datasets.

Geologists can apply their own knowledge and information sources, including traditional sampling, to efficiently test different hypotheses - ultimately gaining a robust and comprehensive visualisation of simple or complex 3D surfaces and solids.

Benefit 4: Proven

Initially developed in 2013, Micromine's implicit modelling module is used by geologists and resource companies all over the world.

Through all stages of exploration, our users have validated and enhanced their geological interpretations. Geological domain construction has been achieved quickly and and models iterated to allow geologists to optimise their interpretation based on their expertise.

By using a local, not global, interpolator, the Micromine implicit modeller draws on local searches of data points, with the patchwork of results stitched and blended together to provide a complete picture of each, customised and localised orebody.

Benefit 5: All-in-one cost saving

Micromine's implicit modeller offers a 3D modelling solution integrated into our powerful mine mapping solution, Micromine.

By being part of the broader Micromine software solution, the module integrates with other planning and mapping functionality, such as resource estimation and stratigraphic modelling. These modules may be used in any combination to model virtually any mineral deposit.

For those who already use Micromine, the implicit modelling module requires little training and no extra start-up processes. Those who already use Micromine will find the wireframe 3D models readily displayed in Micromine's Vizex (Visual Explorer) visualisation environment as a valuable tool for finalising geological or grade interpretations.

Unlike some other software solutions, Micromine clients only pay for the modules and functionality they need. That means, those already using Micromine can access implicit modelling module at a cost effective ‘add-on' cost - not as a start-up system.


Micromine Implicit Model - Lithology

For new clients, Micromine offers cost effective options, which don't involve massive financial commitments or lock in contracts. To discuss the options, please contact the Micromine team at

Learn more about the science and mathematics behind implicit modelling and the Micromine 2018 implicit modelling module via our blog.


MICROMINE is a leading provider of innovative software solutions that span the breadth of the mining cycle from geological exploration and data management, to resource estimation, 3D mine design, planning and production control.


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