Moss: Tiny plant has huge potential for restoring mined landscapes

 Native moss from Kiruna is being used in the project

Native moss from Kiruna is being used in the project

Restoring natural ecosystems in mining-disturbed areas is a crucial yet complex process. A Swedish initiative, that employs moss to accelerate this restoration, is now being tested in a project financed by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, and the mining industry.

The project, called "ReMOSS: Ecological restoration of post-mining landscapes with native moss," aims to use moss to create the right conditions for other vegetation to establish faster but naturally. Moss is a component of the biocrust, which forms a protective layer for soil and consists of small organisms that help the soil stay healthy. It grows on all types of substrates - even stone and rocks. When moss is introduced to landscapes that have been mined, it helps create the right conditions for other vegetation to establish faster but naturally.

The project involves seven parties: Boreal Orchards, the landscape architect agency VAST AB, SLU, and mining companies Boliden, Copperstone Resources, LKAB, and Talga. The project will run from November 2023 to June 2025, and will take place at two separate locations: a test site operated by LKAB, and a previous graphite trial mine site owned by Talga.

The advantages of using moss for ecological restoration are numerous. Mosses form a protective layer on a substrate that prevents erosion, thus reducing dust formation. They are hardy and well adapted to harsh environments and conditions, do not compete with other vegetation, and create a natural foundation for other plants to build upon.

'A-ha moment'

The landscape architect agency VAST AB works with geomorphic design, a design method that uses nature as a reference to create new mining landforms from the sites overburdened or waste rock.

Matt Baida, chief executive of VAST, is Project Manager for 're:moss', and described his first meeting with Daniel Pacurar as an "aha" experience.

"When Daniel explained what moss can do, it seemed so obvious and was a real eye-opener. The mining industry in Sweden is aware of the post-mining challenges and is getting better at addressing them. I look forward to seeing how it evolves, and how other plants establish with the moss," says Matt Baida.

One of the participating companies, LKAB, has set ambitious goals for biodiversity. Sustainable and value-creating post-treatment is key to achieving these goals. Their vision is to restore natural ecosystems and enable activities such as reindeer herding and outdoor recreation to return to the areas. However, the company is still searching for effective tools to manage the complex restoration process fully.

"It is crucial for LKAB to recreate functional local ecosystems when we leave an area. While planting trees is essential, it is also important to introduce other layers, such as mosses, lichens, and shrubs. Establishing an ecosystem from the ground up with moss is particularly promising as it can help establish vegetation and increase the amount of organic material on barren surfaces."

Responsible land use

Talga is building a battery anode factory in Luleå. To produce anodes it needs graphite, which it plans to extract from its mine near Vittangi. The company's plans for a Swedish mine-to-anode operation are well advanced, and for Talga, landscape restoration is a key component of any development.

"Mining is a temporary land use. It is our responsibility to conduct our business in an environmentally and socially sensitive manner. The land needs to and will be used for something else in the future and it is our responsibility to prepare it in the best way possible. We have therefore developed a closure plan with guidelines for how we treat the environment while mining and how to leave the landscape in good condition afterward," says Peter French, Environment and Community Manager at Talga.

Just like the other parties involved in the project, he recognizes the many advantages of moss. In addition to stabilising the soil and providing the conditions for replanting vegetation, Talga also values its contribution from an aesthetic perspective.

"When land is broken up, regardless of whether it is for mining or logging, a different, more sterile, visual impression is created. This project has great potential to use existing materials and technology to help recreate the landscape, with the moss laying a green foundation that nature can build on."

The ReMOSS project is a promising example of how innovative approaches can be used to address the challenges of ecological restoration in mining disturbed landscapes. If successful, the project could have a significant impact on the way mining companies approach post-closure activities and contribute to the development of more sustainable mining practices.

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